Eren's Twin [1] - Chapter 33 - So you're my sister? (2025)


" I think, well my theory is that you and your brother ate your father at the same time. " I looked up at Denise, this was her theory. It sounds absolutely bonkers. " Like you ate one half of him and Eren ate the other, that would explain why Eren actually has the titan power. He must've eaten the upper half of his body where most of the titan fluid is. Although I'm not sure how you gained some of the power, thats not how it supposed to work. " I covered my mouth, my eyes widened as I felt the throw-up risen in my throat. Eren and I eating dad, now that I thought about it, it made sense. Mine and Eren's titan looked almost the same, but I never got the strange power of the coordinate like Eren. " Ah, thank you. I-Im gonna go back to my room. "
To say the least, I missed Eren, I wanted to be able to tell him the news. That I turned into a titan shifter out of mistake and we both devoured our father. I completely forgot where my room was, so now I was walking around the halls. Fiddling with my necklace and glancing around the dark space. I had started walked further away from the lab, glancing at each door that came my way.

I noticed a wooden door at the end of the hallway, cracked open with bright light lighting up the room Due to curiosity I walked towards the door, putting my hand on the doorknob before pushing the rest open. My hair blew behind me from the intense wind that came my way, behind the door was a balcony, standing at the balcony and staring off into the field of grass was Zeke. " You said you'd come to save us. What did you mean by that? " Zeke tensed up at my voice, he breathed out before leaning on the balcony and crossing his arms over the top. " You and Eren were victims of Grisha, as was I. Did he neglect you to? " I stood beside him and stared off into the field, strange thing, no titans insight. " He was never home, too busy with his doctor work I guess. My mother was the one that mostly took care of us. "

" So you're my sister? " He pushed up his round glasses and continued to lean against the balcony. " Seems like it. " I couldn't help but smile and stare at the sun what was begging to set. " Reiner keeps talking about you, did you really punch him in the face? " I cracked a small giggle, remembering the day I punched Reiner after kidnapping me. " Heh, yeah I punched him and then he pushed me off a tree. " A small snort had come from Zeke, I glanced over at him yet again. I thought Zeke would be this scary person that wouldn't hesitate to kill me any second but he was actually just a normal person that has problems. Guess you can't always judge a book by its cover. " Come on, dinner should be ready. " Zeke held the door open for me, I began to follow him where the supposed dining hall is. I wasn't sure how many people were in this place, I was totally unsure of how big this place was and how dangerous these people were. It would be hard to escape without being caught, if I manage to escape, how long would it take to get back to the walls.

Inside the dining hall was five tables filled with people, even more, tables were in the room but empty. Zeke led me over to the counter where all the food was laid out, it was steaming and filled the air with its amazing smell. I don't know if anyone saw my reaction but I almost squealed in delight seeing the meat that was laid there. I haven't eaten meat in a really long time since it was so rare and expensive in the walls. " What do you want? " Without hesitation, I pointed at the stack of meat that sat there. Zeke had begun to pile a bunch of different food onto the plate before handing it over to me. I smiled down at the plate in my hands, it smelled absolutely delicious. I followed him to a table and sat down, picking up my silverware and nibbling on the piece of meat.

" Hey, Emma! " I jumped in surprise at the voice of Denise. She sat down with the same plate of food, a smile placed on her face. " Hi. " I muttered under my voice before going back to the piece of meat I was nibbling on. Another plate of food was placed in front of me, a person sat down beside Zeke. I didn't exactly see their face since my hair was covering my eyes and I was still focused on the delicious meat. I lifted my head but was instantly met with a frown, my mood had instantly plummeted from the sight of the person sitting in front of me. " Emma. "

I grumbled under my breath and squinted my eyes. I set a cold look towards him and said back.
" Reiner. "

That's the end! The end of the story is coming soon. But do not worry I have book two in mind already! For now, I would also like to ask if you guys can check out my new book ' What Happened before ' the book is about Eren's older sister who happened to help catch the thugs of the Underground, aka the now Captain Levi!
Bye my unicorns XOXO

Eren's Twin  [1] - Chapter 33 - So you're my sister? (2025)


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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.